* SimpleInterest.java
* An application to get and calculate how much money is gotten from interest
* Julian Webb
* ICTP12
* 07/11/11
import java.util.Scanner; //use package that lets us collect data from user
import java.text.NumberFormat; //use package that lets us format numbers
* The SimpleInterest class gets and calculates how much money is gotten from interest
public class SimpleInterest { //start class definition
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); //Create new Scanner object (Collects user's input)
NumberFormat money = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); //Create new NumberFormat object (Formats numbers into currency format)
double principal; //Variable to hold first amount
double years; //Variable to hold year amount
double interest; //Variable to hold interest amount
double amount; //Variable to hold end amount
System.out.print("Enter the principal: "); //Ask user for first amount
principal = input.nextDouble(); //Collect first amount
System.out.print("Enter the number of years: "); //Ask user for year amount
years = input.nextDouble(); //Collect year amount
System.out.print("Enter the interest rate: "); //Ask user for interest amount
interest = input.nextDouble(); //Collect interest amount
amount = principal * (1 + years * interest); //Calculate end amount
System.out.print("The value after the term is: " + money.format(amount)); //Print end amount formated as currency
} //end class definition